Soooo here is the thing both yi yi and feng decided to get IVF procedures done. For yiyi he wanted a baby coz he had no hopes for himself and wanted to give his parents a grandchild. Around the same time feng feng also wanted a baby so that he can have an heir who was safe from his scheming family....
The thing is the fengs had been tracking feng yao...so they knew that he had given his sperm for the process...and while all this was happening feng yao told the docs that he needed to switch his sperms with someone else so as to make sure that his sperm is safe from his family's manipulation.
The person doc chose was yi yi...so at the end of the day the sperm used was feng's instead of yi, making rourou fengs child biologically. Feng kept an eye out on both and then abducted them later....rest we know.
Now feng hadn't been a complete dick so he had kept yiyi's sperm safe under his name ...but that mean aunt who couldn't have children got hold of it....now the thing is fengs have special powers passed from gen to gen...it skipped feng yao and his father but the gene was there...the gene shows up as a birth mark. All three fengs(granddad,fengfeng,rourou) have this mark...but only rourou has the power....
The succession to the company depends on this mark/power...also why feng wanted rourou to a secret...coz dirty family politics. Aunt has a clue about this hence wanted feng yaos sperm(assumption)...so inherently the baby now born(to the feng aunt who didn't have a baby) is yi yi's....coz sperms were exchanged.
Now to the actual procedure that is done in IVF.
The patient/donor is asked to give his sperm in a bottle. This bottle is stored in a safe place... usually by cryogenic methods. When a surrogate mother who is willing to sign the contract is found these sperms are inseminated (pushed in the cervical opening via syringe) when the woman is most fertile(sometimes this is induced) it is also checked weither the surrogate is actually fertile before the procedure and also before insemination (release of the ova/egg has been done). With this done all that is left is to wait. She gets pregnant, the baby is handed over to the parent(s)
Here fengfeng's sperm and yiyi's sperms are not mixed..they are in seperate container and both the sperms were used on seperate women....the reason why rourou has golden hair is due to the foreign lineage of the surrogate mother used. Yiyi's child had blue...guess he family genes are dominant(⌒▽⌒)
Also while on this topic...IVF is extremely extensive and expensive and taxing...so if possible don't opt for it...if it's something as simple as oligospermia or just normal erectile disfunction...that still alright ....but otherwise it takes a lot of emotion mental and physical strength which is (in my opinion) not required. Success rate of these procedures is not that great either...please adopt children....far safer less taxing and definitely more rewarding.