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Title Update Recommend
Currently reading (6) 2022-06-05 0
Followed (20) 2021-08-01 0
Good read (26) 2021-11-25 0
Sus(2) 2021-06-29 0

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Cuteee 02-27 00:48
Monke 02-27 00:48
Hot Hot Hot 02-13 15:25

LuzyPot's message board ( All 2 )

LuzyPot June 29, 2021 4:54 am

:7 = Gucci
:3 or UwU = cuteeee
:0 = neutral
:/ = meh

LuzyPot March 2, 2021 12:10 am

5+ = f*cking amazing chef kisses
5 = amazing
5ish = pretty good
4.5 = good
4.5ish = decently good
4 = ok
4ish = eh ok ig
3.5 = umm
3.5ish = Ummm
3 = UMMmM
3ish = UMMMMM!!!
2.5 = bad
2.5ish = horrible
2 = absolute trash
2ish = what a mess
1.5 = straight up garbage
1.5ish = wtf is this shtz
1 = bye-
1ish = End of humanity

Manga is life :7 
Life is manga ;7

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