i suddenly remembered reading this yaoi and want to re read it but i honestly forgot the title. All i can remember is that in the first chapter the main guy was an actor or some sort of celebrity? a really good looking one. anyways a leaked video of his was posted on the internet where he was sleeping with a CEO and people started to hate on him. then, he’s going somewhere and a person throws acid or something on him and his face is ruined and basically his life is over and he’s transported back in time, i forgot how many years exactly, but it turns out that the video he recorded was because he was ordered to do so from a man he liked and he was basically forced to have sex with the CEO while the CEO was drunk because the guy he liked wanted to ruin the CEO’s life, and so he cuts ties with the guy who started it all. he became nicer especially to his assistant and i’m pretty sure the CEO ended up liking him? i think this story got completed but im not sure i honestly forgot the name and id like to re read it lol.