Everyone was praising jiho for being so realistic so I’m gonna bash him for his actions realistically. first of all his inferiority complex is sick. he probably can’t even have friends because he’s a narcissist who gets jealous over others achievements and he’s super selfish. like he’s hurting woohyuk so badly everytime he goes and talks to producer lee and he knows that because whenever it happens he cries to jiho.. I’m feeling so frustrated rn. like I get that he has family issues and his cat is dying but those things can’t even defy his character he said so repulsive sometime. Not to mention I heard ///spoilers/// that he has a fling with producer lee and kisses him and he’s just gonna crawl back to woohyuk in the end saying hes sorry and how he loves him. like honestly woohyuk Is the victim here and I just feel so bad for my poor baby. but!!! I read the current raws and they appear to be lovey dovey again. So all is forgiven.