Titty destroyer's experience ( All 0 )

Titty destroyer's answer ( All 0 )

Titty destroyer's question ( All 1 )

If you are toxic
Overused memes
Copied answers
Reused questions
Same reaction to trolls (it's like bots who reply the same thing in different ways)
The ghetto Sangwoo thing everyone uses
Basically everyone acting like the popular users so it's like mindless zombies with a few leaders
03 12,2020

People are doing

did sleep more

i sleep more than lazy potato does

58 minutes
did tried to kill yourself

I've attempted many times in the past decade. Keeping my mind preoccupied allows me to just let it be.

7 hours
did be a dumb bitch

I'm forever the top g dumb b. Chat, cooked?? we cookin??? i want off this mortal coil!! lets get a lil crazy, sleep w/ our socks on maybe.

11 hours