first, peaches in chinese (and other asian cultural) myth are a food of the gods that grants longevity & immortality, similar to ambrosia of greek myth. so they're literally divine. they're also a symbol of fertility & have been used many times as carriers for divine human-like beings. having the mythology to allude to seems pretty foundational with this story.
now, from what I can gather, MC is a magical being from a strict, small (blessed?) tribe, and the people (or maybe just the special ones?) are able to bestow their own life force as edible pearls. being that the ML runs a place called Dream, we could infer perhaps this club name is literal, but if not, it seems to be in a divine realm, and as such, things won't make sense as they do on a normal, mortal realm. it also seems that either ML is a possessed man, or a wholly supernatural being that can glamor/shapeshift into the human man we see. this is also why the mention of souls, crossing the river, and the proposal of going to a hell-like place fits in, as these are common in old mythologies across the world. as for the flying dicks, i don't really know. they're old fertility icons that were used in ancient rome, but I don't really know how they tie into this other than general fertility imagery & otherworldlyness. the rest, I have no idea wtf goin on.
anyway, people tend not to hallucinate & create highly strange tales from alcohol. if they're on something, it's not booze.
2023-10-20 15:08 marked

2021-07-27 23:15 marked
my guesses