People bitching about the story for no reason. I understand that perhaps you may not like Arien as much as Arjen and would prefer it if the story was centered on the twins, but I'm pretty sure the fact the twins are "different" should be re emphasized. Arjen's development gave us a clear picture of who he is and his capabilities. He's also displayed as the more vocal one who doesn't hesitate to speak his mind, and we even got to witness him slowly recover from his anxiety. However, in Arien's case, there was nothing about her recovery from her trauma, she was arguably the most the timid one and seemed more apathetic to everyone and everything. We've only just begun her arc of the story, yet y'all acting like drama queens and can't enjoy a balanced plot. We've found out a lot about the imperial family, and that arjen has thicker imperial blood than arien, so we can grasp his situation a little more. We have not, however, heard of Heibi's as of yet. Y'all can say "well it's our preference" and there's nothing generally wrong with that, but don't argue that the story is shit when the author is giving equal attention to both twins and fixing any plot holes so that the story isn't a mess. "Arien is boring" yeah like I expect her to be all bubbly and shit after watching someone die. I'm here for both of em. And for those who said "well the story is narrated by arien" I'm pretty sure we all got a gist of Arjen's narrative too as they communicate telepathically often or you could tell from their facial features ffs.
Wait are they blood related?