I read the novel years ago and now I’ve finished the manhua. It was good overall, I still got hurt in some scenes but it’s a good ache. Although perhaps since it’s much more detailed in the novel, I like it more. I feel like we didn’t get to see the interaction between other couples but overall the manhua gave the novel a bit of justice. If the novel made my heart ache 1000/10 the manhua scored 8/10.

Ayo, I just finished reading sidetrack 7 of the novel when at the end of the chapter, it mentioned about this having a manhwa. I hope the adaptation’s good.

I finished reading the manhwa already. Hmm, perhaps I understood it wrong but I believe Mason/Haley is supposedly blonde in the novel. Also, “spoiler warning”
Instead of a little brother, he has a wife and a daughter. Anyway, I believe the kidnapper was a woman actress and not a guy. Anyway, aside from those changes, it followed the novel’s plot.

I really want this to marinate more and also so I won’t get a cliffhanger every time but I can’t stop myself from reading a newly released chapter. (/TДT)/
I guess this story is just that good. I 100% recommend tho I suggest not reading it yet to those who are not patient to learn what will happen next as this is still ongoing.
Anyway, does anyone recommend a story like this but preferably one that is completed?
The story is okay. Tho I don’t like the part where the MC is portrayed to have viewed corsets as for lack of a better word killing machines. And even repeating the thought about it multiple times; it became a pet peeve of sorts of mine. I’ve read that corsets, if measured/customized according to the wearer’s size, actually provide benefits. So I wish the author could have done more research but oh well it did mention that they make the corset so tight. Anyway, it was an okay read. There are obviously fillers and one commenter is correct that there are boring parts. I wish we could have known more about what happened to the princess (kinda shipped her with Lian), if the empress ended up with the guild master, and Yuri’s marriage and children. Overall, the story started promising but the execution ended up average.