Lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨ followed a goer

Stan ugetsu pour une meilleure vie

20 02,2021

y'all joowon stan
we are winning on raws it so hot

can't wait for the latest raws later

Joowon best boy! He spends majority of the manhwa suffering. Like he was under so much pressure from family, work, public, even leo's schemes.. and yet his intentions and love for Haesoo was pure from start to middle to end (no not like taku trying to get with Haesoo to use him for self-interest sake lol). And the way he unconditionally supported and showed love for Haesoo even when haesoo said all that shit to him during their seperation and went to taku.. And ofc let's not forget that he actually had the most development in LOH as a character and changed in the best ways.

wow this manhwa will have an animation and a live adaptation

why complain on redrawing? for me rose squad scans is the best the redrawing is so good. they also pick so many amazing manga.
thank you rose squad scans keep up the good work

Joowon has black pupils and eyebrows, and salmon red hair which he dyes regularly. His eyes are phoenix shaped. His looks have been described as extremely handsome and dreamy. Joowon is fit with broad shoulders and well defined muscles. He is also the tallest character in the manhwa.

Joowon is often seen wearing suits for his job, but prefers to wear more casual and comfortable clothes when he's not working. He loves sweatshirts and hats.

Joowon is sweet, cheerful, and confident. He has a playful personality and loves to make jokes, but as his manager has described him, he takes things more seriously than he lets on. When he's not acting, he tends to be an honest and transparent person as he is unable to hide his like or dislike towards a person.

Joowon is polite to the people he works with, but tends to act bratty to the people he feels close to, like Haesoo or his manager. He strives to be professional at work and does not complain despite schedule changes, although in the past there were times he would run off because he feels overwhelmed. A staff member remarked that Joowon seems to be the type who will be scary if someone touches what was his.

Despite being a public figure, Joowon rarely cares about people's opinions on him, and therefore can be rather reckless. However, he gets overly defensive on Haesoo's behalf, and will act hostile to anyone he perceives as a threat to Haesoo. Joowon has a temper and does not hesitate to pick fights.

joowon =
haesoo =
taku =
leo =

Lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨ created a topic of Love Jinx

can someone makes a character profile.
its so confusing

taku stans makes me hate taku more ( ̄へ ̄)stop looking for him he's busy preparing his ass
don't be surprise if you see a lot of jooWON stans in the comment section because:
1. he is the end game
2. he deserve it
3. he is the best character

jooWON is a KING

my suggestion to taku stans before reading this manhwa:
first search the meaning of incest.
second use your reading comprehension.

stop looking for taco he is busy preparing his ass.
JooWON deserve all the remaining chapters.
he has the least appearance on the manhwa.
its his time now

this chapter proves that JooWON is the best character ☄
also the kissing scene is so hot can't wait for the next chapter