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Joowon is sweet, cheerful, and confident. He has a playful personality and loves to make jokes, but as his manager has described him, he takes things more seriously than he lets on. When he's not acting, he tends to be an honest and transparent person as he is unable to hide his like or dislike towards a person.

Joowon is polite to the people he works with, but tends to act bratty to the people he feels close to, like Haesoo or his manager. He strives to be professional at work and does not complain despite schedule changes, although in the past there were times he would run off because he feels overwhelmed. A staff member remarked that Joowon seems to be the type who will be scary if someone touches what was his.

Despite being a public figure, Joowon rarely cares about people's opinions on him, and therefore can be rather reckless. However, he gets overly defensive on Haesoo's behalf, and will act hostile to anyone he perceives as a threat to Haesoo. Joowon has a temper and does not hesitate to pick fights.