When you like a flower you pluck it. But when you love a flower you water it daily”. Taku’s feelings were never that strong or deep. Sure in the end he like Haesoo more than he expected but he still revealed that he wished Haesoo feels terrible for not choosing him. Whereas Joowon continues to show that he is no thoughts, head full of Haesoo. Throwing away career for Haesoo? Got it. Gave Haesoo space after their “breakup” because Haesoo asked? Big sad but yes. Throwing away relationship with his emotionally manipulative father for Haesoo? Sure. Understood that he can’t make Haesoo choose between him and his mom? Yep. Let Haesoo pursue his dream abroad? Respected that too. Joowon just shows again and again how much he deeply care bout Haesoo’s well being regardless of Haesoo returning his feelings or not and man that’s love right there. Some of you gotta take off your rose color glasses and examine this story for real for a second. Would you actually pick a guy like Taku in real life? Are those really the kind of qualities you would be ok with in your partner? I wouldnt and that’s why Joowon is a much better partner for Haesoo. Because yikes he shows all kinds of red flags throughout this story. I genuinely hope you guys don’t end up dating guys like him in reality.