Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Just realized the dude who posted the Hoejae comment, Sven, was the same dude who sold his house trying to beat Heejae earlier and still lost LMAO

Pizzahut answered question about question
Y'all some dumb petty bitches for not getting that 10k no matter how much of a misandrist you are or how dumb the guy was for getting himself in that situation. I feel like a lot of you forgot the 10K part. Hello? 10K?! TEN 1K'S?! TEN THOUSAND?! 10,000?! Hell, I'd save ANYONE for 10K! also, can I everyone who chose not to save the man's 10 grand? T......
Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

To those of you who keep saying "oMg PlEaSe dOnT gO AlOnG wItH tHE rEvEnGE!1!1!1!1" after reading chapters 42-55, Y'all literally have no reading comprehension. Like it was clearer than clear that Heejae dropped that plan and y'all keep saying the same dumbass shit like what? Where were y'all?! I'm done reading the same comment like I am in a time loop. I'm done listening to you clowns. Anyone who else who comments something along those lines and has read chapters 42-55, I'm going to make a sweaty sock list and shove a marinated sweaty sock in your mouths and tape it. Please note that this rage comment was not directed at those who ask this question without reading chapters 42-55. I also know that I will be attacked by the dense chapter 42-55 people, and I'm willing to fistfight all of you at once. Come at me, if you dare.I have sweaty, cheesy, marinated socks on my side, y'all don't have the balls.

Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Have y'all read the newest chapters of the raws because I'm absolutely SHOOK at how cute it was. LIKE I THOUGHT I WAS ABOUT TO PASS OUT BECAUSE WHAT?! THE DEVELOPMENT!!!

Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

So... I just reread this manga and got to chapter 35 and can we talk about that random hot guy named "Crush" because damn, I'm crushing alright

Pizzahut created a topic of Witch Enforcer

The cover was so good that I didn't even read the summary and just put it in my read later list.

I came back after finishing this three years ago to check the comments and forgot most of the things that happened but remember the main plot, main villains, and ending but y'all are hyping this up so much that I have to reread it

Pizzahut followed a goer
19 01,2024
Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I swear, one of the things that makes this manwha so enjoyable for me is the comments.

Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He called Sesam gullible but he's also gullible for believing everything "she" says LMAO

Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Y'all scaring me saying "he delulu just like me" but I'm also scaring myself with how similar me and Seyeong are

Pizzahut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I swear y'all talk about heejae like how people talk about orange cats and their one braincell (you guys aren't wrong though...).

Pizzahut followed a goer
15 11,2023
Pizzahut created a topic of Dantou no Archange

I can't believe there's really no comments on this beautiful manga I love this SM and I hope it updates soon

Pizzahut created a topic of Finding Camellia

After careful thought and consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I am reading this because Claude is hot. He is in fact the shit. I can not explain how much this man is my mfing type without it becoming TMI. The end.

Pizzahut followed a list
10 07,2022