Man, that God dog is full of it. My girl could slap me while we're doing the ho ha and I'd still love her, it doesn't change anything. Some people just like pain when they're feeling pleasure and as long as both parties are fine with it that it's cool. Also, I like how he pointed out that hitting your partner is weird but not the fact that this man's dog is fucking him, like okay I guess.
Am I the only one annoyed when people compare other psychological thrillers to Killing Stalling? Like, y'all know stuff can be scary on its own without comparing it to another manga right?
This only annoys me because I’m pretty sure the author did a lot to come up with this plot only for someone to say oh this is like killing stalking #-.-)
This like a new whole different plot than Killing stalking
I was thinking the exact same thing like damn not everything is like killing stalking. This plot isn't even like that at all.
Tbh every psychological bl I read now is somehow compared to KS like ALWAYS doesn't matter the plot.( ̄∇ ̄")
The only reason why I'm still in this topic section is to downvote every comment comparing it to KS or the killer to Sangwoo, hoping that they might finally stop doing it if they get enough downvotes.
And it's not just thriller yaoi. Everything historical gets compared to Painter of the Night, doesn't matter how different it is. I think it was Beauty and the Brawn when at some point, a few people even commented how this is like fluffy PotN.
That is ridiculous, people need to be more open minded and stop comparing things.