i love fucked up stories but dude…the raws make my heart break like i just want to see the MC smile ONCE like PLEASEEEEE

here are the raws: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/486156?stx=걷지+않는+다리&title=걷지+않는+다리
but basically the last chapter that was updated, the ending makes it seem like he lost some of his memories from head trauma. he also gets raped by the blonde dude (minhyuk i think is his name? the one everyone thought was hot lmao) when he was half conscious because before that he got beat up by the guys that found them. super fucked up.

knowing the mythology of seth and anubis i really can’t see this having a happy ending unless the author makes their own. like i know it’s fucked up and won’t be fluff next season but damn i just wanna cry for seth. i know he’s done terrible things but all the people that have done things just as bad or worse are being praised as good gods.
there’s a lot of time skips and it’s kinda messing with me but it’s still cute