yeah created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Nope, that’s cheating. If he genuinely thought this wasn’t cheating, he would’ve talked to him about it. The MC shouldn’t bend over backwards to satisfy the needs of the ML, even tho he hates it. They just aren’t a match…The MC deserves someone who he’s enough for.

yeah created a topic of Color・Collection

I wanted the first story to be longer

I love all of them tho!

yeah created a topic of Counter Offensive

The MC is a piece of shit. The only way, he could be redeemable in ANY way is, if he died and was reincarnated 10years back and does a 180, accepting what a piece of shit he is or if he turned himself in for attempted rape and drug use, is actually remorseful and PROFOUNDLY apologises…or if he just dies. Actually, no. I hope he just dies. He sucks ass.

yeah add 1 photos to my random thoughts

Is it just me or did sudo get way buffer?

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yeah add 1 photos to my random thoughts

Nah I think he was cuter before

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Why would u match with someone that has that kinda pp br bro

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He is one shameless motherfucker

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2 visits a month WHAT?!

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How can you, so casually, but so much pressure on a four year old? You r a shit mom

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You only wanna be responsible when its convenient for u WHICH MAKES YOU SELFISH AND IRRESPONSIBLE.

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Yeah you did. You're a menace bro

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Nah that's traumatizing. His dad sucks. I hope he dies

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No way he said that...if ur wife could hear u, she'd roll in her grave

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YOU ARE A CHILD. CHILD. C.H.I.L.D. You two dating would be absolutely out of line.

yeah add 1 photos to my random thoughts

No. That's a valid reason. YOU ARE A CHILD, A MINOR. even if he was eighteen. I'd still be wrong.

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Nahhhh. I Hope they wont start a relationship until the blond one is at least 21

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The way she's gaslighting herself....this is so sad bro

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That is predatory and disgusting. WHY WASTE THIS PRETTY ART ON A PEDO STORY

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"little pretty girls"?? Ew wtf, what's up that wording