I was cracking my head open to remember who this couple is.. since their names were soooo familiar... little did i know it was the friend of the one from the other manga... haahhaha
I have a bad feeling about her ‘good idea’!!!! PLEASE DONT BE WHAT I THINK IT IS!!!!
WHAT U GONNA DO WITH THAT KNIFE GIRL??? Why do i have the feeling that she is currently solhwa instead??
Noooo!! They just got together!!! Y is there already a rival!!!!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Yayyy!! There will be a season 2 for this (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
What if she was sent be the grand sorcerer but she is not aware of it.. like how she knows the existence of the maids but can’t remember their names.. and the book suddenly vanished after the dragon is kept... it is either the grand sorcerer took care of her or stuff... but she can’t possibly be the grand sorcerer, no? Since she is 24 yo.. and that grand sorcerer came and asked that fairy the question 24 years ago.... mannnn!!!!!!!
Just what did I do in the past 2 years in here
Read the spoilers just now
Uurrfghhhhh WHY THE HELL IS THE ENDING LIKE THAT!!!! U MADE THE DUKE SUFFER N NOW U END IT LIKE THAT!!! Hope what the others are saying abt having side stories are true!!! I wanna see her remember again!!! N some more lovey dovey scences n their wedding n their kidss!!! JUST PLEASEEEEE AUTHORNIMMMM!!!!
IS THAT A SIGN OF THEM MEETING EACH OTHER AGAIN???? Pleaseee say it issssss!!! My heart cant take it any longerrr!! The Duke is soo pitiful waiting for Noel to appear
MANNNNNN!!! How i wish to curse u badly Hibiki!!!! Damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY THE HELL U DO THAT??!!!!
Nooooo!! I want this to be serialized sooo badlyyyy!!!!
Nine gave me the chillsss!!!!! Who else is cold here???
For those who have read the spoiler
Why does she always try to run away from nox??? Like aggressively as if she hates being with him... im sooo confuseddd and pity Nox
The princess is soooo cuteee!! Their interactions are sooo cute tooo!!! My heartttttt
What a prince!!! My goodnesss IM MAD MADD!!! They just got married!!!! Come on!!!!
“MY HUSBAND AND SON”!!!! Mannn i want them to get married rn!!!
Read the raw.... its kinda loooongggg road to the marriage.. lots of oppositions.. it sucks!!
THE LIL BRO IS IN THE BOOK!!!! Now this is getting interesting!!!!!! I want morreeee