why is it in this manhwa the emperor and Duke are SO weak as in no authority, can’t protect one person, and somehow people are able to sneak into the FL’s room and almost kidnap her but it’s only bc of her own strength that she is able to protect herself. these people are literally there for decoration bc how is it in other manhwas those two figures are always so strong but here they can’t do anything at all this is so frustrating bc even the Duke is better than the emperor but they’re both horrible at protecting the FL. and the author is trying to frame the emperor as right intentions with incorrect methods and I hate that

Yup right on, what i hate is that they keep wanting to stick to law to punish the empress, spewing "no definitive proof". Literally just stealth assinate that b and punish/kill off the opposition faction from empress who dares protest or accuse -- cuz they dont have definitive proof either. Tyranny is very much within the capability of a king and no one can do shit. We wont have a ton of chs and heart tugging angst, they'd rather keep putting their daughters life in danger instead, makes a lot of sense.

I haven’t read this in a LONG time just bc I kinda got uninterested but I came back and realized that the art is so much more simpler in the recent chapters compared to ch 1 I feel like so many webtoons do that gradually and no one notices LOL can someone tell me if it’s worth it to pick this one back up

considering all things like she was raised to be obedient by her family and withstand a lot of abuse without understanding that it’s intolerable, it makes sense why the FL acts like she does (easily pushed around, reliant on the 3 ML’s, doesn’t wanna cause social disruption so she paid for the ex MIL’a TV subscription, and just overall not very bright). It sets her up for good character development but we know this is a romance plot so she will have very little development and itll just be her relying on her husbands to protect her while she cries. BUT EVEN SO I WANT TO CRY TEARS OF FRUSTRATION JUST FROM READING TO CH 16 she is like the epitome of a helpless FL that is disillusioned that she is individualistic and strong-willed (but I do like that she practices what she preaches like not hitting back esp when it could probably get her in more trouble if the police were involved and they could shift the blame to her). but also why did she accuse the mom of being spineless and only saying something after her siblings said something when the FL is lowk the same… I’m smelling her hypocrisy through the screen. The FL can’t defend herself for her life other than at the scene with her family. Every evil character acts SO ridiculous and the FL is thrown into dumb situations (why did the mom say that the ex husband cheating was a sign he was a desirable man LOL) and I’m such a sucker for those plot devices

Everyone is saying this was so satisfying and that Eve really did good things in these recent chapters. I really disagree with that hahaa it is so frustrating that her two older siblings almost cut off Michael’s arm and all they get away with is being forced to apologize to Michael and having bird poop in one of their eyes. This really does just show that she doesn’t actually have any power to protect Michael and how she’s unable to do real harm to her siblings. And that’s just part of the buildup for when she does have enough power later on so is there some reason why other readers are saying this was a satisfying moment? I mean, she did make a recording to threaten them, but why would they be reprimanded when the entire royal family treats them as replaceable slaves? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Well compared to the past she did stand up for herself and Agnito so it is big progress. Also obv she can't harm her siblings cause they are all royals and it would be a big scandal. Even Betty still didn't try to harm her directly, even tho she has more power. Also I think revenge would go against her character and I don't think she would want to actively harm her "family". Its better to not get into meaningless fights and scandals and she did show that she is gaining power and confidence cause she made them apologize, which wouldn't happen before.

Of course it was satisfying.. she used to be quite and never made a move to stand for anything. She standing for ml and asking them to apologize to a slave is a good start for her to make things different. She is gaining confidence and the other humunculus will follow her because she is standing for them even tho she can't do anything to help them physically she is being supportive.. the royal are above everything and nobody can touch them so basically they are like Gods but she forced them to lower themselves and apologize.. so yeah I like her...

with kootlyn
an apology is far from enough that kind of thing could likely keep happening
and even from a slavery point of view, an imperial point of view, they dared to seriously attempt to damage her property - her personal guard - by cutting off his arm, thus making the personal guard she chose unable to keep fulfilling his duty, which directly harms her interest as well as her pride/honor/standing
if she brought this to the king that shall be enough to have those two AND Betty quite severely punished, as this is an indirect attack on one of his majesty the king's daughters

the only good reason I can think of for the mc not to report this,
is if she believes it will be more useful to do that later on,
like at a time Betty is in a worse position
but it seems to be that waiting is unwise, given how bold that attack was, and with the migration policy plan affair (Betty spreading rumours that she had the idea and being caught and ashamed) the timing is actually really good to worsen her standing even more ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Well the emperor wouldn't really care cause they see homunculus as toys, so the punishment would be light. Maybe she will use it to spread the rumor or against Betty and make her seem silly. I also think that the best revenge is her becoming the crown princess, so she shouldn't argue over things that are not important to royals..
am I just a horrible person who only cares about appearances bc she is giving side character with her middle part bangs and average looks lmaoo I’m sorry I cannot believe that she has two extremely powerful people proposing to her at once when she isn’t that remarkable or pretty