Is there any yaoi manga where the uke is using toy on the seme? Like dildo, vibrator, or urethra insertion

Not sex toy,but i think u will like this one

Yaoi manga where a guy literally fuck himself? Like he can detach his dick and put it in his ass or suck it himself, or detach his head (dulahan) and his detached head suck his dick? Or Something like that?

Fair warning tho, it's a mixup of ships, including voltron and mha. The head one is I think 10 or 15 pics down ? Idk https://myreadingmanga.info/jaspurrlock-art-compilation-2021/

Is there any yaoi manga where the uke shoved a dildo/finger/vibrator/any phallic object to the seme's ass while riding him/giving him blowjob/etc?

The closest thing i can give you is this

You know how it's usually the seme who's using "toys" to the uke? So i was wondering if there's any yaoi manga where it's the opposite, so please recommend me if there's any yaoi manga where the uke is the one using "toys" to the seme. Thanks

This one is good it’s a long time ago since I read this one but I think they’re both using toys on eachother Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Any yaoi manga where the uke shoved up a dildo or other phallic object inside the seme's ass as the uke is riding the seme's dick?

I don't think they out a dildo in the semes ass but they out a finger in and it's also stated that the seme got fucked by a dildo in the past

Lmao this is kind of late bc I was searching for this too but
Chapter 5
Any yaoi omegaver manga where the alpha is being tied up by the omega?
This sounds spicy, me also need!
Omega seme x Alpha uke