Dude what is everybody on rnn??
I'm so confused on why a lot dislike the mc, to me he seems pretty chill and I would be pretty annoyed for somebody to be calling late at night and js complaining Abt their love life I don't understand why ppl dislike the mc being rude to that friend of his cause they aren't even close to begin with and it would be annoying to have somebody always coming to you bc of their relationship. And I don't necessarily get the ml he's with RN I'm pretty sure they aren't dating right? That ml js gets hard to him playing the violin or something like that or idk I'm confused on that part

okay we know theyre not blood related but they literally grew up as "family" "siblings" it looks so weird for them to actually like eachother after all of that siblinghood that happened in the past. She also looks like the deceased sister, which also make me uncomfortable for the brother to like her when she looks like their dead sister. OFC if im gonna say all this ik dropping it. But to the people who keep saying its ok and theres nothing wrong with it. pls rethink, I know love comes in all forms so im not gonna say anything to say anything more than that. I feel like I needed to say that.