If anyone knows any story similar to this, a kind of a fantasy-like story with both plot and a bootifol shonen ai sub plot I would appreciate a suggestion:v I know I'm being VERY specific. I read an amazing story like this a(well it started out as a haikyuu ff, but then it went deeeeep into the fantasy setting) and now that I found something similar drawn and colored I just want more :v I'm a hoe for fantasy anyday
everytime there's a panel with the *realize* sfx and their big dumb faces doing that same expression IT LOOKS SO STUPID TO ME. I want to punch them. All of them, bad and ''good'' guys. And if I have the time to be annoyed at a single expression is because this manga is trash anyway. Stay away if you wanna read something that's not insulting to your intelligence. Good day :V
You just insulted your own intelligence
Also I wonder,
Would u just stay and watch your beloved one getting raped by three men while smiling?