In a world entirely ruled by giants, the human race, which has turned into their food, has surrounde...
- Author: ISAYAMA Hajime
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Horror / Mystery / Shounen / Tragedy
From living under the same roof to then being classmates?! Ever since his parents passed away, Haebo...
- Author: Bamwoo
- Genres: School Life / Drama / Romance / Webtoons / Yaoi
Why did the stalker choose Hyunsung? It began with gifts. First, candies, milk cartons, confectionar...
- Author: TAN
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Drama / Webtoons
"Welcome to the afterlife, master!" A corporate slave finds his dying wish of being pampered by the ...
- Author: MISAKA Niumu
- Genres: Drama / Ecchi / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
When he was just a student, Soohyun, ranked second, felt envious of the perfect Eunsung. Although he...
- Author: TAN
- Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Mature / Webtoons / Psychological
Yeo Eui Joon, who works at a convenience store frequented by gangsters, wants to quit as soon as pos...
- Author: 945
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
Hanuel, whose hobby is collecting pictures of his unrequited love, Chanil. However, he was caught by...
- Author: Kim Pas
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Psychological / Webtoons / School Life
"Scrawny high school student Hobin Yoo is probably the last guy you’d expect to star in a...
- Author: Taejoon park,Kim junghyun
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Webtoons / Romance
Nii-chan is about a story between a young boy in grade school who often goes to this 'Nii-chan&...
- Author: Harada
- Genres: Shotacon / Psychological / Adult / Yaoi
- Author: Park do-han
- Genres: Shoujo Ai / Romance / Drama / School Life / Webtoons / Smut