there can only be one emotionally unavailable bitch in a relationship
i wish horror anime would lean into the uncanny valley aspect a little more. like, the fact that its animated takes away from the scariness. regular thrillers and action anime are already full of exaggerated voice acting and gore, no one even bats an eye atp. on top of that you can't put cute anime girls, romance and half an hour of fan service in ......
i had a male friend of 4 yrs and %90 of our conversations was either him hitting on me, talking about himself or talking about the girls who he thinks "has a crush on him" really made me question the multi dimensionality of men. im a hundred times more comfortable with women
i like it when the ml is super extroverted and friendly but turns avoidant when it comes to relationships
i had a childhood friend named rumeysa back when i was like 5 or 6. i think she probably found me annoying as fuck bc i kept hanging around her but i cried for a whole year after she moved away lol
no one gets just how impactful this quote is. aot wasnt just omg titans vs humans :O this is the essence of the whole series
i wanna be a barista in a cafe with barely any customers but get paid tons is that possible
I was reading all the answers to the “what happens after death?” Question and I kind of had a mini existential crisis. Ok I’m gonna give some background here but I was raised religious (I wasn’t even allowed to leave my bed without praying) but I never believed in god even when I was a child. When I was 5 or 6 I would read my little books a......
30 12,2024
i feel like it doesn't matter
we are complicated compared to other animals on earth but we're still animals. you can find sophisticated names for whatever you do but as long as you are human you're physically unable to go beyond being human. what good would it do for the cells in our body to comprehend our existence? what good would it do for an a......
this song sums up everything i think about death. basically an endless state of unconsciousness and its not unpleasant because you don't have the ability to feel anything. like before we were born. i like living though, this is just a more positive way of looking at something inescapable lol
for some reason i feel like the balance in the relationship is thrown off when i share too much of myself, i'm more comfortable just listening
i believe theres nuance to everything but if you're the adult in the situation it's your responsibility to establish boundaries, young people are foolish and irrational. there's no "he/she asked for it" when nothing would have happened if you turned down their feelings
im literally the opposite of poly but if you can maintain multiple healthy friendships at the same time why would it be unhealthy to date multiple people. there are people who dont experience jealousy or posessiveness its ok as long as everyone involved is fine w it
i could never be depressed when christmas is near im so excited!!!!!!
pretty sure mafumafu made a song abt this
i love twinks i wish all men looked like howl pendragon or the adult version of a frail victorian child i wanna put estrogen in water bottles and hand them out to buff men i see on the street why cant both seme and uke be twinks
with honorifics id rather see them added to the translation with a little note that explains its context (like -kun/san/chan noona/oppa/ssi etc) instead of straight up deleting them or replacing them with a more westernized version that doesn't convey the same meaning. (the constantly repeated 'bro' in manhuas sound so forced it made me drop a seri......
i really like them together but for some reason i feel like shipping them would be diminishing the complexity of their relationship. same with yjh x kdj