This queen is not queening. My threshold is torturing kids. She killed an entire family, with a pregnant wife and kids. She killed a child. And did a hunger games with kids in a small shed. Ay bro. She needs an eternal punishment. Dying IS NOT an option for her. Eternal torture would be more appropriate.
I don't want to bother with the haters. They'll make it the way they wanna make it to be. I'm just gonna be here for the plot. Jeez both the MC'S under eyes are so dark. Sleep is not a thing for them. I feel bad for Muheun, he's carrying the world on his back. If I felt terrified with corpses' eyes directly looking at him, imagine dreaming that every night.
Ay bro. This is going to be so bad. He doesn't have a family - dad, mom, siblings. And now, the supposedly family he found in Ido is going to be broken off. He will have nothing. Empty, hollow vessel. I'm freaking out for him jeeez.
How to handle such funerals? Like if it were me, I don't think I can ever be at peace if I give any respect even to his ashes, i.e. give him a proper place in a columbarium. Dying is such a cop out after all. I'd go mad. Even more so if he wasn't cremated. Omg, I wouldn't know what to do.
There are times you need to listen to what you are experiencing to make a judgement, BUT SOMETIMES listening to what people tell you and connect that gut feeling you have to make a conclusion does help. Gunjoon didn't jump to conclusions, he thought this very well. Confronted sunbae and did not spiral into his own delusions. That's a good character right there.
I think it's not exactly a secret what Garon's mother have been doing with Garon. Hence, Garon is mentally unstable. Yet Raon, dude. Is this really all worth it to trigger all the nasty of a crazy person? I mean no matter how green of a flag he is, I am confident to say MC has spent more time with Garon - hence Garon's obsession than Raon's crush over him. It's not worth it bruh.
This is upsetting. Not only the chapter is damn short, the re-living trauma is not addressed or mentioned this chapter. Because it seems it is triggered by the location - doing it in the lab, rather than the actual sex. Us readers may get it but at the least let the MC ponder what he experienced...
They say when it rains it pours. I need a lot of sweets to digest the bitterness of this story. But HUGE THANK YOU.
A filler episode, in this case, chapter. Nothing added to the story, rather it's too short adding a tiny bit of info to the story. I like stories that are slow burn but this, this is not it. I guess the story or the adaptation needs to meet chapter quota or something.
You should have told him! Maybe he would've tested it first before stabbing the bird. Ik they have a lot of miscommunication issues and ML is hiding a lot but bruh, if he's laying the situation in full detail, might as well say yours as well. ML can't take a break. He is literally holding all the problems and the world on his back. No wonder he is built like a brick.
That's basically an introvert's nightmare lol. Public proposals are romantic but in another scenario where the other party is not exactly ready yet, you're in for grand public rejection or the poor person would be pressured to say yes just for the sake of it. The intimate proposal is always the way, which did happen and we got squirting.
I feel so bad. I get both of their sides but let's admit, Yulha did not know blonde said something to Dojin. And why is Dojin not mentioning it? Yulha is, albeit perceptive, underestimating his condition. Dojin's worry is valid, given dominants are unpredictable. But it's a huge advantage that they are communicating now.