The raw for this series was only released two days ago, and someone already so shameless wants to claim the official chapter, without valid proof this series will get an official chapter.
Please let the scan team work for this series.
The notice you created would only discourage them from working on this series.

Spoiler recent raw
The man at the end is "Ohlala"
The girl's on chapter 35 end, he's Netkama too? they meet on Arcadia gathering events.

oohlala game character is a girl but he never pretended to be girl. netkama is when man pretends to be a girl it has nothing to do with the game character. which is what seyoung did. if you noticed it in first chapter seyoung old character was a girl too but everyone knew he was a man but while using sesam not only he picked girl character he pretended to be a girl too. [im really bad at explaining things. whenever i play games with my friends my guy friends pick girl characters as they have more power and they dont pretend to be a girl. so i hope i cleared the confusion ]

lol that suu monolouge and hwaryun face, just admit if you like him. Im happy for them,
btw the korean ver (144) will back again this monday,..
lets move to the palace and that consort btch should got punishment (idk for me she just like kingdom queen if you watch that drama), im not sure from chapter 143 but seems suu will accept hwaryun offer becomes shrine mistress, as Suu understand about the power and he know about sacret script, that rain calling thing.
For Saharah, he still using child form for awhile, since he used his power that time,. Ugghh.. why i feel something bad will happen to Saharah :(
Sorry for the placeholder chapter.
I've to work now, I'll upload the actual chapter when back home.
What do you mean? If anything, you're doing us a favor.Take all the time you need and thank you for all your uploads!