One of the best things about this manga is that neither of them looks like a "top" or a "bottom", there are no stereotypes. It just shows two normal looking guys in love with each other, and they just happen to have preferred sexual positions, you know what I mean? Like I feel like the the way they are portrayed in their looks and attitude is very realistic.

Semes are absolutely trash, consent is non-existent, literal abuse going on, imagine choking and raping someone after he was almost raped and murdered, everything about this is just disgusting.

As I said if you don't like it don't read it.. Its what the author want, and what the author want go's. You know why? Bc there the fucking author, they can besically do whatever they want bc its there book and its there oc They can pick whatever they want to happen to there oc's and we can't do anything about it bc its there's O_o

Isn't he going to be killed if the police find him? At least that's the impression I got, and if it's true, it would mean that he literally might die if he runs away, so the kind of power the top has over him is just...not even considering he could threaten to call the police if he doesn't go along with what he wants
You're literally an abuser rapist, stop being so fucking cocky and literally just die. ngl this sounds awful but I kinda want our MC to die because of something Woojin does by accident just so he can feel guilty and hate himself for the rest of his life, honestly.
Girl, breath, don't stress yourself too much and enjoy the hot guys, and let's all appreciate the pretty faces
lmao thanks for the advice I was getting a little worked up