Hello again! I just want to show you this video because it's cute: https://youtu.be/5zwRrUWTniw
This gives me serotonin :D

That not yuri tag tho

I think you already follow this list. But in any case you forgot to add any of these

Hey bestie, I was wondering since you're smart, I'm currently fighting with some people on tt about Sangwoo's mom. There is a girl with Woo's mother as her pfp, and people are defending her because she's "a cute asian", like no i'm being serious there are people defending her because of that reason and I feel bad for her. Anyways i've pulled all my cards and don't have anymore comebacks.

Here it is, its the video link https://www.tiktok.com/@kitsunechoii/video/6948075313494527238?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1

Sorry, I saw your question late
Here's the story you wanted