Who that kid ??
The crown prince? The empress’s child.
The uke ?
Oh actually I’m not sure if Lee Nok has been stripped of his title yet… so he’s just the empress’s child that was born to take the crown instead
His little half brother. Same dad, but poor little kid got crazy mom.
You’re talking about the child dressed in blue robes right
Yes the recent chpt kid
that’s the crazy queen’s child, the second prince to the throne, that’s why she’s trying to kill and torment Lee nok by cursing him and sending ghosts to hunt him on his chambers.
Now i feel bad for jian
Oh shit here we go again
Save him
Ahjusshi is so fine hehe
Is that twink dead ?
he's gonna be fking lonely if grandma is no more
daddy jakeyy~~~ you're suckable
Why do you keep replying weird shit to people
cuz I can do. T0T
I'm loving this. He need suffer more. this is nothing compared to what he did to uke
Okey he's my fav top
Ass murder
Who that kid ??
The crown prince? The empress’s child.
The uke ?
Oh actually I’m not sure if Lee Nok has been stripped of his title yet… so he’s just the empress’s child that was born to take the crown instead
His little half brother. Same dad, but poor little kid got crazy mom.
You’re talking about the child dressed in blue robes right
Yes the recent chpt kid
that’s the crazy queen’s child, the second prince to the throne, that’s why she’s trying to kill and torment Lee nok by cursing him and sending ghosts to hunt him on his chambers.