ayvan created a topic of Breath The Same Air

this is just shit all around. no saving

ayvan created a topic of Our Sunny Days

her bald round little head LMAOO

ayvan created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

idk what part of illegal do these people not get

ayvan created a topic of Mr.Miss

korean bls treat sexuality as if it's one or the other with no inbetween. he could've been pansexual, or bi. they make ts seem so black and white when it's really not

ayvan like the experience about ship male friends together
If you do this you're disgusting.
ayvan created a topic of ENNEAD

osiris pisses me off so fucking much

ayvan created a topic of Candy Man
ayvan created a topic of Itoshi no XL Saizu

despite the premises this story was built off of, their whole story was pretty cute

ayvan created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i can tell I'll really enjoy this lol

ayvan created a topic of Our Sweet 1R

they both have a mouth to talk with, and they both have a pair of ears to listen. why tf aren't they using them? they were pretty cute in the end tho

ayvan created a topic of Payback

my guy basically said "you love feeling miserable, so that means I can brute force my way into your ass and not give a shit about the pain you'll feel."
Don't think this dude is okay

ayvan created a topic of ENNEAD

so that dipshit decieved Isis' women and lived with them for so long, even after killing so many women? unfathomable audacity lmao. also i kinda feel like Mayet knows, but just doesn't wanna let the man go

ayvan created a topic of Naked Sweet Darling
ayvan created a topic of Anonymous Relationship
ayvan created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

hope woori can find somebody good for him. for what i can see now he's a really caring and thoughtful dude

ayvan created a topic of Jinx
ayvan created a topic of ENNEAD

idk why but since hearing that anubis was osiris' son, my mind had skipped over the fact that that practically made him horus' half-brother. and that's why he was jealous when seth and anubis were sleeping in the same bed lmaooo. It only had clicked into my brain that they were siblings when the elders mentioned it

ayvan created a topic of Dream Sign

han gyeom pisses me off so much. dude are you fucking dumb?

ayvan created a topic of Midnight Rain (CTK)
ayvan created a topic of At the End of the Road

needed another chapter of hoon and minjun because holy shit