I literally hate my mom, I can care less if she isn't my mom anymore. she invades my privacy, make me feel useless, compares me to every people, literally only cares about my grades and whenever I'm ranting/venting to her she said when she was around my age it was harder. I hate her so much, honestly. I really can't stand her and she makes me cry e...... reply
man's killing while fucking that dude, no more explanation.
I do love horror and shit but this is a no no just basically straight up weird with gore. dude put a gun in his asshole 2 reply
it depends on what my twin would be like, I already have like 4 siblings. If my twin is like a shitty/annoying person then no, but if my twin is someone similar to me then kinda. twins could share a lot in common so I guess it's a little bit nicer to have someone to talk to irl instead of the internet since we all have different timezones. It's kin...... reply