monotonousfox's experience ( All 4 )

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This guy on tinder. Got the image from r/tinder tho   4 reply
06 01,2024
I cannot stop remembering when i was incredibly horny on main and overbrimming with confidence bc my family hyped me up, and i made a move on my crush who had seemed interested in me. And then he was not in the mood and i got embarrassed as hell and decided that never happened. Ever. In fact we dont talk about it either   reply
18 08,2023
Yall need to stop telling ppl “if you dont like it, dont read it” when someone criticizes your comfort fic or whatever. Not everyone is going to have your same opinions, and in order to find like-minded individuals, someone will air their grievances with it. And maybe they meet a new friend bc they both didnt like a certain arc in some story. ......   4 reply
16 08,2023
I started reading the omegaverse trope in fanfiction. As like some weird byproduct of werewolves, but the writers didnt want to write werewolf stories or it was like “imagine… Sherlock Holmes… but MPREG?!?!?” I very much said “…ok. Let’s go i guess” And the omegaverse in the fanfics i read is always so good… like theyre both pinin......   reply
27 07,2023

monotonousfox's answer ( All 189 )

about question
The incredibly casual racism I see and hear online and offline is incredibly off putting, especially when it comes from someone I considered my friend. And then they say “I’m different.” Girl, explain to me how I am different. Really. I’ll wait. And what about my family? What about these other people we both know? What about these celebrit......   1 reply
7 days
I am a baby dragon. I think I’ll be fine.   1 reply
9 days
Dark Hero’s Daughter… I might have a whole party when season 2 drops   reply
11 days
about question
As far as I’m aware, I think it depends on your sect of Christianity? You have the “all are welcome here” Christians but you also have the Christians that cherry pick from the Bible to justify why a Christian can’t be gay or whatever. In the end it’s just religion, and I’d rather you follow a religion you feel most comfortable with ins......   reply
11 days
about question
Please botw I’m too used to Mario controls, this ain’t gonna work for me   reply
14 days

monotonousfox's question ( All 15 )

I have a few, but my primary one is when the top says something along the lines of “you’re so wet” when loosening the bottom. Clearly not talking about any kind of precum or anything. Personally, I didn’t know this was omegaverse, homie!

How about yall?
17 12,2023
Trying to figure out why my husband likes boobs, but every time i ask him he’s like “bc theyre big and soft”

And i say “oh, so you’d like anyone’s boobs?”

And hes like “no, i like them bc it’s you!”

And im like “but you aint getting a hard on when im wearing my night gowns. But the moment i wear a tank top, you’re drooling all over me???”

And he’s like “idk! Ask a sex psychologist!”

And i just narrowed my eyes at him. But in my head, i said “bet.”

And then we moved on bc thats a stupid conversation
12 09,2023
“maybe like another account said, I should read shounen ai. Will you listen to my conspiracy theory?”

I read that and saw two long paragraphs and said, “oh no. What could she possibly say?”

Basically her conspiracy theory is that a lot of smut stories put a lot of emphasis on sex rather than emotions and long relationships as a way to potentially boost japan’s population by targeting younger, more fertile (i feel gross typing that) readers.

Like it’s a bid to get their 20-40 year olds having more sex so they can have babies and japan’s birth rate wont just continually decline.

The first paragraph was basically about how shounen was booming when japan was going through a tough time bc the primary message in shounen is “Dont Give Up! Fight! Fight!”

But omfg whyd she have to just out of the blue say “Will you listen to my conspiracy theory?”

I got so scared
11 09,2023
about question
Man… there was some girl in high school my husband knew. She used to be very sporty and athletic but she really liked chick fil a. Not that big of a problem bc she played sports. Whatever.

Well, she got a car, and that was pretty cool… but she stopped walking anywhere bc she could just drive there. And that’s fine ig. But the summer after she got that car, she went to chick fil a for EVERY meal, EVERY day. By the time school started again, she was hardly recognizable bc she had gained like 70 pounds over summer

A warning to be mindful of how much you eat of something, especially fast food. Btw i dont think she ended up losing the weight either, bc she quit her sport. And by the time she graduated, she had gained like another 50+ pounds. She was still pretty though, but it was crazy how much she changed in one summer

So do yall walk anywhere?
10 09,2023
about question
Chris Evans in “not another teen movie” was Captain America???!?!!
29 08,2023

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

1 days
did made a discord server


1 days
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

1 days