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Ain’t it easy to ask a question????



monotonousfox answered question about question
Me first bc rice ball
monotonousfox asked question about question

Baby rice ball??? Idk. Go nuts

monotonousfox answered question about question
When im reading a smut manga (regardless of the genders) and the more submissive one in the relationship just acts like a virginal child who doesnt know the first thing about sex— It’s always so cringe watching these characters cry and shake and be so surprised that the more aggressive one kissed them with TONGUE??? Literally always cringe wh......
monotonousfox shared experience about still a virgin
I cannot stop remembering when i was incredibly horny on main and overbrimming with confidence bc my family hyped me up, and i made a move on my crush who had seemed interested in me. And then he was not in the mood and i got embarrassed as hell and decided that never happened. Ever. In fact we dont talk about it either

Is really something else. Like… why are we here? Just to suffer?

monotonousfox answered question about question
Wet dreams are real. Degree of wetness varies by person though. Will literally have the steamiest dream, wake up heaving and. Flushed, and be dry af. Will have a bland dream and be soaked and uncomfy when i wake up. Like “what even happened that was so sexy, body?” Or vice versa. Really just depends on the person, i think.
monotonousfox shared experience about dropped a manga or webtoon
Yall need to stop telling ppl “if you dont like it, dont read it” when someone criticizes your comfort fic or whatever. Not everyone is going to have your same opinions, and in order to find like-minded individuals, someone will air their grievances with it. And maybe they meet a new friend bc they both didnt like a certain arc in some story. ......

374 people did   /   15 want to do

Imagine reading 1 chapter, and it hits every major nope i could ever have with a fictional story. Wild shit tbh

monotonousfox answered question about first kiss
Cringe. Complain out loud to my husband or just in my imagination. Continue reading. Cringe again. Pace as i try to imagine the situation less cringe continue reading. Look back on it several chapters later and think “why did the author do that???” And cringe one more time
monotonousfox answered question about first kiss
Why dont ya just…. Cool it Calm down. Be less fatherless
monotonousfox answered question about first kiss
Bro said “lemme dox u real quick” Anyway: - the only thing that really influenced me to read yaoi in particular was wanting to read manga online when i was broke. And i only wanted to read manga bc i was obsessed with anime art (Princess tutu, sailor moon, inuyasha) - literally just watched tv, stumbled across a random anime, looked up more a......
monotonousfox answered question about first kiss
Good question… i was in middle school, i think? Maybe 7th grade? And i was trying to find a specific manga (the title of which i forgot) and got distracted browsing the genres… and then i read junjou romantic? And was like “surely this isnt the best this genre has to offer” And thus my descent into madness

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In a forest, drunk, in college with my crush at the time

But we dont need every story to have a “life with kids” arc…. Aka this needs to end