I don't like how they tried to redeem the Emperor's actions by making him some traumatized little boy with a revenge plan. He was insane from chapter 1, that is what the story led us to believe. He used people as entertainment, and he would cast them aside or kill them if he decided they were boring, he brought in a mistress because he saw she was crazy like him, he didn't even love her in the slightest, she simply piqued his interest. And that's personally how I liked him. His character was cruel and unique, he didn't need to be redeemed because he had no reason to redeem himself, there was no way too redeem him other than completely changing the fundamentals of his character, which is what they did. Idek how to explain why I like his character so much it's weird, but I feel like after they got a new artist, they got a new writer too, cuz why is EVERYBODY a watered down version of themselves? Did the writer lose the plot or what?