Roronoa Zoro January 29, 2024 9:45 pm

Like the artist definitely has potential, but the perspective is all over the place and the proportions are bonkers sometimes. Also, the way she's all sweaty in those few chapters is really unsettling like how can the ml not notice how bad she looks, especially in the newest chapter (ch.39). Like I know he probably doesn't like her enough to care, but not even an acknowledgement? From anybody? What's the point of drawing her like that if no one in the story even acknowledges it happening. Last thing, and this isn't something I like discussing cause i understand everyone goes at their own pace and stuff, but the pacing is pretty bad. The chapters are short (which isn't really smth I'm complaining about cuz again, the artist has their own life and time to worry ab) and there really is no development with their characters/relationship. They had that one encounter that ended with nothing happening besides them hating eachother even more, and the rest of the following chapters have just been further delving into how terrible of a person the fl is, we don't even know why she's such a dick other than some forced rich family drama that makes no sense. Plus, the name is "I hate you, will you have sex with me" and the cover art is pretty suggestive, but we're 40 chapters in and haven't seen even a glance of anything from anyone. I don't wanna sound like a weirdo starving for smut, but if you're gonna focus on character building rather than relationship development, name your series accordingly as to not attract the wrong crowd. I think that's all I gotta say, I'm not hating for no reason its just that most of these are things I've had problems with since I started reading ^^

    Roronoa Zoro January 29, 2024 9:51 pm

    Also, I'm reading for the interesting plot, not just for the smut. I just think the lack of smut wouldn't bother the other commenters if the pacing, writing, and art was better. Cuz theres tons of stories I love that take a while before things start getting sexual, the only difference is the characters are likable, the art/writing choices have purpose, and the chapters are a reasonable length so it's easier to keep the pacing on track. I know the author won't see this considering where I'm posting it, but I hope ppl will read the comment and agree with me so they know that it isn't the lack of smut that makes this series difficult to read, it's everything else (=・ω・=)

    LucieBC February 19, 2024 5:39 pm
    Also, I'm reading for the interesting plot, not just for the smut. I just think the lack of smut wouldn't bother the other commenters if the pacing, writing, and art was better. Cuz theres tons of stories I lov... Roronoa Zoro

    I love your comment also btw never feel weird about getting impatient for the smut because it’s all about building tension like we all know it’s gonna happen and sometimes the tension is built in a satisfying way like you said - likeable characters and reasonable length chapters etc. - but this series isn’t building the tension very well imo so it totally makes sense the way you feel. It’s like we’ve already figured out what has to happen and what’s going to happen we’re just waiting for the characters to catch up to us which can get annoying.

    Roronoa Zoro February 20, 2024 1:17 am
    I love your comment also btw never feel weird about getting impatient for the smut because it’s all about building tension like we all know it’s gonna happen and sometimes the tension is built in a satisfyi... LucieBC

    Exactlyy that's such a good way to put it! We know where this is going but it's taking way too long to get there, the only tension they have is aggressive and full of animosity which doesn't exactly make you look forward to their development cuz you know it's gonna feel very slow and sudden at the same time part of being a good author is thinking of what the reader already knows, and what they wanna see, but this author doesn't seem to be thinking of any of that cuz no one ever knows what's going on when a new chapter releases(bc literally nothing is happening its just another pointless filler chapter). Do these chapters build character a little? Maybe, but are they needed? Not at all, we already know the kind of character the fl and ml are so lets just get to point. I hope the author improves though because this plot has a lot of potential, which is why I started reading in the first place lol

    LucieBC February 20, 2024 4:47 am
    Exactlyy that's such a good way to put it! We know where this is going but it's taking way too long to get there, the only tension they have is aggressive and full of animosity which doesn't exactly make you lo... Roronoa Zoro

    SPOILER WARNING FOR ANYONE READING THE COMMENTS (just in case idk what anyone is about or not lol)

    agree completely, this is also the first series to give me second male lead syndrome (just in case you don’t already know, it’s when the reader prefers the second male lead to the first) cause I can imagine the story between her and Oliver (in my crazy brain it would be all about her realizing how treating people so poorly is wrong and how it affects her relationship with him and her development into a more mature and positive person) but based on the cover photo and the chapters so far I already know that Oliver isn’t even an option, so like you said it’s all aggressive and animosity and sudden reaction to each other. And I’m just not personally deeply interested in whoever gets the project they’re working on because she’s a terrible boss, and he’s so nice it’s like.. why are we focusing so much on this? I can’t root for her as a boss, just as a character with potential for change.

    Also I agree this series has so much potential, I love the ideas behind it, her struggling with pain during sex is real and relatable to a lot of women, and I enjoy the art, I just wish there was more suspense or tension between the two leads, but eh, I’m not gonna drop it! (⌒▽⌒)

    That1AlienGuy March 14, 2024 6:04 am

    That's literally how people act towards people with chronic pain. Watched it happen to coworkers, friends have told me their for life illness is also treated the same. Heck even had it happen to me but I told them what it was and then they pretend they couldn't see how I was struggling after they sate their curiosity. People just really dgaf more often than not if you look like you're in pain lol

    Roronoa Zoro March 18, 2024 1:47 am
    That's literally how people act towards people with chronic pain. Watched it happen to coworkers, friends have told me their for life illness is also treated the same. Heck even had it happen to me but I told t... That1AlienGuy

    Some people really lack humanity and critical thinking When put in this perspective, it makes more sense why no one even bat an eye at her, and that's actually really sad, I thought at least the ml would care at all considering he's yknow the male lead. But if he actually doesn't gaf like the rest, that's another reason I'm not rooting for them

Roronoa Zoro January 21, 2024 9:04 pm

Yall sayin you're sick of the gaming aspect meanwhile I can't get over how cute the avatars all look, esp jistar

Roronoa Zoro December 31, 2023 3:07 am

So does jong-oh actually like Joon? He acts like he does but them ah-in claims that jong-oh likes him? Is this supposed to be a love triangle?? Cause this is a pretty fucked up attempt at it. I'm not even gonna get into the brother (which I'm guessing they aren't actually related, but it's still weird since they grew up together)

Roronoa Zoro December 17, 2023 11:27 pm

Besides the dumb generic ending tropes they pulled in the last 5 frames, there's so many plot holes in the story. For starters, what even was the point of the emperor and Penelope's relationship? It affected literally nothing at all, it didn't help anyone, and it didn't make the emperor have a change of heart at all. He started falling in love with her or something, but he doesn't even think about her for a second during the final battle, and she never shows up. And why give us the backstory of the emperor and Teana if it barely affects the story or their development at all. There's so many loose ends they half assed, it feels like they had a plan for these side stories but they trashed them all for a rush ending. And onto my main issue. The way they hyped up Grace's powers and built up to her being a super powerful dragon or wtv, and then when she finally embraces them (in the last episode) she barely uses them. We don't even know how powerful she really is cause the only comment we get is "her attacks are stronger". And she wasn't even the one who defeated the emperor, it was her dad who had to save her from his random, unnecessary, and uncharacteristic suicide bombing. Then they immediately skip to 4 years later? And the duke is in a comma for what?? Such wasted potentional.

Roronoa Zoro December 12, 2023 6:29 pm

I'm actually so confused ab what's happening, how is this supposed to be even a little bit enjoyable if the mc is basically being forced to do it when he doesn't want to, and the ml has a weird love hate relationship with the mc, he claims to be in love with him but he also abuses and makes him do disgusting things even the ml doesn't enjoy IM SO CONFUSED WHAT HIS MOTIVES ARE

Roronoa Zoro November 28, 2023 3:14 am

CW: many words! Sorry!! <3
*I suggest you read this if you think this is the typical "fl stays with cheating ml" type of story*

All these ppl talkin about how he has a "sudden interest" or how he's "keeping his side chick with him while pursuing the fl", don't understand the characters or the type of world they're living in. First off, aisha or wtv her name is, she's not his lover currently. She was invited to be a consort because in the original story, she's a "saintess" sent from another world and the emperor found her interesting. Additionally, a consort isn't always a lover or mistress, it's the companion or spouse of a monarch. In this story, its common for the reigning monarch to invite consorts so that they can help the empress with her duties. He never laid a hand on aisha because in that point in the story, he hadn't developed anything for her besides curiosity. Secondly, the emperor was never portrayed as a good or redeeming person, he killed his family to rise to the thrown and only invited aisha to live with him because he saw how selfish and fake she was and thought she'd be fun to have around. This isn't one of those stories where the ml does a complete 180 randomly just for the lolsies, he's still the same person he was in the original, it's the FL's actions that attract him to her. His interest in her may seem sudden but the romantic interest wasn't. At first he was intrigued by her sudden change in personality, going from desperate and timid to firm and demanding to leave him, but ofc he couldn't let her go because her duties as empress would be left empty. Anyway he does eventually fall in love with her, like how he was supposed to with aisha, it just so happens that aisha bored him after he found someone he enjoyed having around more. He's still not a good buy but the point was never for him to change. Btw everything ive said is in the story so im not just makin stuff up! Hope this helped!!

    SilverVine_Cat November 28, 2023 9:02 am

    I love that you bring up that consorts are not necessarily a mistress or lover. One thing I want to say about that though is that while it seems to be expected for the emperor to take in concubines for political reasons such as marriage based alliances, he's not supposed to ignore the empress when he does take in a concubine. He basically forced all the work onto the fl without giving her any of the political influence she should have as the empress -- basically treating her like a vassal instead of as a partner. By ignoring her he failed to uphold the basic agreement between an emperor and empress and thus made it harder for her to do all of the work she had to do as empress. By ignoring her he also removed her ability to deal with the concubine that he brought in. I'm sure he would know to some extent how a woman scorned by the emperor would be treated due to his mother, though I doubt he would have known it would be as bad as it was for her since she is the empress and his mother was a concubine. I think his treatment of her should not only be considered failing as a husband but also failing as a monarch.

    Also I totally agree with you on the fact that his interest in the fl is 100% in character for him and he didn't do a sudden 180, but I also think he is gradually changing as a result of his interactions (getting rejected) by the fl. He was really selfish at the start but as he's grown to like her he's been slowly considering her feelings more (though not to the point that he would let her leave) at a speed that seems pretty realistic in proportion to the speed his feelings are growing. He's also starting to feel worse and worse about how he treated her in the past and is feeling regret about taking the saintess in as a concubine.

    Roronoa Zoro November 28, 2023 11:54 pm
    I love that you bring up that consorts are not necessarily a mistress or lover. One thing I want to say about that though is that while it seems to be expected for the emperor to take in concubines for politica... SilverVine_Cat

    Everything you said is so true I wish I would've considered this at the time of writing it, while he may not have done a complete and sudden change, he's still changing because he's facing different circumstances he's never experienced

    I keep thinking back to when he told her "maybe one day I'll feel remorse" and I can't wait until he realizes his actual feelings and is able to feel that I'm gonna jump with joy

Roronoa Zoro November 19, 2023 11:10 pm

It's cool that's he's genuinely sorry but like what's the point in just saying "I'm sorry" and leaving without explaining WHY you're sorry?? He's gonna think you regret it cause you don't like him me personally if I was super sorry I'd explain why but ofc not cause this happens in every story

Roronoa Zoro October 4, 2023 8:32 pm

This has me internally screaming why foes this chapter feel so short

    Roronoa Zoro October 4, 2023 8:33 pm

    Yeow I accidently pressed the spoiler button

Roronoa Zoro October 1, 2023 9:31 pm

I always get jumpscared when i see the last panel added by the translator lmao

Roronoa Zoro September 23, 2023 12:41 am

Jesus christ man what the hell what an evil little villain this guy is that has GOT to be illegal its been 5 minutes and my mouth is still agape I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE LET ME OUTTTTT

    toilet terrorist September 23, 2023 12:42 am

    hes like those supervillains from the 80's that twirl their moustaches

    Roronoa Zoro September 23, 2023 12:49 am
    hes like those supervillains from the 80's that twirl their moustaches toilet terrorist

    Bro the typa dude to laugh maniacally at his plans for world domination as he strokes the cat in his lap

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