...are there no good mom's in mangas like these? How come the moms are always running off without the child? Like, "I hate getting beat by my husband all the time. I'm running away, but you can stay child. You should be fine, right?"
Sorry sorry! It's my #2 pet peeve in manga.

whats # 1?

Maybe divorce cases result in the father/his family get custody of children in South Korea? (I have no idea how things are in SK society, just offering a theory)

So women aren't allowed to put their lives first, for once? If they leave their abusive husbands, their cold-hearted 'bitches', if they don't, they deserve what they get... even THOUGH the reason women DON'T leave is because they usually CAN'T TAKE THEIR CHILDREN WITH THEM? Can we have at least one manwha where a person doesn't get butthurt about women having feelings? About as likely to happen as your request, though, unfortunately.
So, tell me, do you really love Woo Jin's mother because she didn't leave him behind or do you hate her, too, because no mother should ever be so abusive and coldhearted.... I hate (well, actually, you've probably figured it out, by now, that I really don't) to tell you this, but you've made either choice hypocritical, no matter which way you turn.

First off @Anonymous, you are taking about some shit I didn't even say. Nothing you are bitchin about is in my post. The only butt hurt person here must be you cause your post totally sounds like some personal shit and I'm not interested.
Second, I'm talking about the way women are portrayed in MANGA....MANGA not real life. Other people's business are of no concern to me so don't get it twisted. I don't judge other people cause that's not my job. I don't walk in other people's boots and don't pretend to.
Thirrrrrrrrd, stay out your feels and keep it manga related. Thanks. Smooches.
i love this. it's so cute!!