I'm so happy she can speak normally and that she actually remembers almost everything however, this is something that idk it just bothers me
when she said ''there's someone I want to see'' and we see Guts and I'm like YES YES
Caska: g-gu
Caska: oh shit I wonder how's griffith...

I was actually kind of rooting for Toba until he became kind of forceful... I mean yeah he's just trying to be dominant because of akki but it makes me so uncomfortable that he teases tsubasa like that, it made me dislike him a bit... However I was actually in loooove with akki at the beggining, he seemed so sweet and innocent, but when he just acted like nothing when tsubasa confessed it made me mad and he continued doing it and he only showed interest when toba was getting close to tsubasa so wtf man u don't like her but you don't want anyone to like her either come on T.T it makes me so angry these guys need to work on themselves a lot, tsubasa deserves the whole world <3

Ok I'm excited about hearing caska make a full sentence however... This is berserk so this probably will go to shit eventually I can't help but think about what the skull knight said, even though it hurts me to see caska be so helpless I kind of think she was better off not remembering any of what happened but also Guts has been suffering since like day one and even though I think this will only hurt him again maybe this is just what he needs as motivation??? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK
I swear to god if the next chapter jumps from THIS cliffhanger to fluffy xixi jian yi I'm gonna self-destruct