So on one hand this is (as far as my self history lessons have taught me) a very historically accurate representation of what it was like (and still is in some places) where royalty was brash because of their status and was brought up with the mindset that anything and everything was theirs to play chess with in their game of life. Overall the writing style and flow is spot on where, even though you cannot stand the male leads, you want to keep reading because the skill of the author is quite amazing. On the other hand the misogynistic mindset our male lead is showing along with some messed up stockholm syndrome (also known as "patience" according to ML) through our modern eyes we absolutely feel repulsed though his objectified thinking and turn more towards fares or other side characters who show a more modern and non- hierarchical mindset in terms of love and protection. Then we have prince cesar who is not only the seemingly best for our FL in terms of personality, but we cannot forget the fact that if it weren't for him she would never be in this beautiful disaster to begin with.

I cannot even begin to comprehend the emotional rollercoaster i just went on as i completely binged this masterpiece! I had tears lingering on the tips of my lashes wondering whether or not to fall. Whether or not to fall full of happiness or sadness or even pure disgust only to be riddled with questions and confused understanding in the next panel. The amount of relation you feel only to be coldly pulled away then drawn right back in as you celebrate with the characters or wonder what will happen next. How will they turn out? What are they thinking? The realism from not always knowing. From seeing the characters through one persons eye only to finally get your answer through anothersany chapters later. Like a complete breath of fresh air. This has literally changed my life and now im sitting in bed writing this with trembling hands and goosebumps all over.

Clicked for the art then the plot made me want to nuke all the men in existence. If you're into blackmail, lightsaber dicks and vaginas, rape that isn't sexy but shows nothing other than how alot of women get treated all around the world (not well and like objectified sex objects) then this is the manga for you! Actually maybe the storyline is great if the intention is to bring out how unhealthy sexual relationships CAN be and to sell that one anti rape thing for women that clamp down on a guys thing then make the guy go through a spiritual eye opening experience where they don't try to force innocent women to do things against their will because the guy has issues and thinks he's too manly for therapy. Yes i need a hug and i need to wash my brain after reading this manga. 10/10 art though
This is the most mentally pedophilic shit show I've ever read. The ML is drawn so sleazy that I can't even forgive the fictional grooming kink and so far it shows no signs of getting better. The only redemption would be for the FL to just kill everyone at this point. She's literally portrayed as a living sex doll. On the other hand this story is done so well that i felt my entire body shrivel up and die from the sheer amount of mental abuse and manipulation.
This story made me want to shave my head and glue the hair to my toes then sacrifice a pedo to our lizard overlords… reading like three chapters gave me a headache