Hi all I wouldn't mind translating this for you guys but if most of you would rather wait until a proper group picked it up I completely understand
kaneki don’t mind the people honestly, they just like to hate and hate and they fully aware they're on an illegal site some people just don’t know their fuckin place, it must've been frustrating doing all that hard work and still being called lazy/bad job don’t worry a lot of people are loving it, i didn’t even notice until the people on the comments were complaining about it, thank you so much for the translation
I would love to upload Manga I have the translated version and I searched for it and the site doesn't have it please help me to upload it thx (=・ω・=)
try Suujin's steps!
Hey everyone first off I would like to say thank you for all the nice comments and that I take no offense to people who do not like my translation and thought it was bad I do take offense when you call me lazy and put zero effort and that even though I spent so long trying my best it was all for nothing because it's so bad I feel that is so harsh to say to someone who did this for free I understand my translation wasn't the best and I apologize for that me personally I didn't think it was that unreadable but everyone had their own opinion. Please understand I didn't mean to "ruin" it for anyone at all or make it seem like I'm bashing the story I really do love it and I spent hours cleaning and translating and it hurts to see people say it was all for nothing. I'm still on the fence for whether or not I'll be continuing please be patient with me and if a group would like to take over by all means!!
I hope everyone has a great day
I'm so sorry you had such a horrific experience. The entitlement people feel here is crazy when they're reading illegally, me included. Thank you for your effort. I hope you have a good time onwards
You do not deserve all of that hate at all?? Nobody does...
I would completely understand if you chose not to continue becuase quite frankly I see now that they don't even deserve it. I read your translations while it was still up keyword READ becuase I was able to read it becuase IT WAS NOT BAD AT ALL. When you upload translations people expect you to be a fucking expert
I'm so sorry this turned up to be such an awful experience for you :( I really enjoyed seeing your translations
Sorry you had such awful experience :( Thank you for translating it