mimi's feed

mimi created a topic of Resetting Lady

Karen is insane rn but if i were to regress a 100 times i would be crazy too. Its just that the plot is barely even giving her clues about her true identity, it's like ive gone insane too. Is it really true that she's been inside a novel? or is it just some easy-to-understand meaning of "regression" that her mom or nanny made up? Why do the nanny know the story of the novel too?? Is it written by her mom or just made up too? Is the father's knowledge of the mother's regression really that little?? Is this going from generations from generations on her mom's side? Even so they should've made some records on how to end their pain. Whats the meaning of the coin in her mouth? How much does the priest know and why won't he just end her pain if he really loves her? or he cant? Did the ml ever truly loved her? IM GOING INSANE

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