Did his aunt and Elizabeth’s family realize that Ciel wasn’t the “real” Ciel. Cause I saw some comments mention something about that and I wanted to confirm. Sorry I have poor memory
( ̄∇ ̄")

No, the Midford family had no idea that OCiel wasn't the "real" Ciel. Lizzie had her doubts, since she was definitely the closest to him, but she chalked it up to trauma over losing his family among other things. The Marquess, Marchioness, and Edward had no doubts over if he was the "real" Ciel.
RCiel has informed the Marquess and Marchioness Midford of his survival, and they seem to be concerned about it (going solely off their facial expressions), but have accepted his arrival. Yana will likely be building off of this in the future , but that's all on their end.
I don't remember if Edward was told onscreen, but he did comfort Lizzie after her breakdown, so he definitely knows, I just forgot what his reaction was.

Can someone help refreshen my memory but what exactly is the relationship between lau and our Ciel? I’ve always been confused about that because of both the anime and the manga.

Lau is a mafia boss that imports opium on trade routes and sell it to customers in the east end. Obviously, this is illegal, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Guard Dog to regulate/remove from society. However, the Guard Dog requires information from sources that are on the other side of the law. As such, Lau is allowed to smuggle and sell drugs and "rule over" the east end in exchange for information and cooperation with the Guard Dog, such as when he used his trade routes to bring curry spices overseas from India.
How they originally forged their deal has yet to be revealed. Something about being pen pals with him? I imagine when OCiel rose to power, he needed some allies immediately. Some were allies with his predecessor, like Chlaus and Diedrich, and some had to be brought on from his own connections, like Lau. So Lau rose through the ranks relatively quickly.

No, Lau never attacked him in the manga. That was a plot thread the anime threw in, and I honestly can't remember what it was, exactly. It had something to do with making opium candy in the Funtom factories. And I think all this was thrown in to A) get rid of his ally, and B) kill off Abberline to make OCiel feel guilty.
He DID, however, attack and presumably kill Harold West and Mina, the couple from the Curry contest. I also forgot what the motivation there was, but I think it had to do with his interference in the east end. That requires a reread.

I’m so confused was Maria mentioned before or is she a new character? And can anyone explain what’s going on in case I’m just too dumb to understand lol

Maria is the first little red Riding hood the one who cursed the wolfs when she was dying. After that her curse went on from generation to generation. But the thing is things are different cuz there’s a guy in her generation that was not supposed to exist. Because it’s always a girl that was born in the family and it should’ve been always like that. So she thinks that they might be able to brake the curse or something. That’s what I understood so far.

Her loyalty amazes me and I’m so glad that at a time where our Ciel is facing backlash from what his brother did, there are still are people are who with him this makes me so happy because honestly when I first found out Ciel wasn’t the “real” Ciel I was scared that they would go to the other side but no they’re with our Ciel because it’s him and for no other reason. I just was filled with emotions so I wanted to type it out lol

I was just thinking that if Hyungdo didn’t accept him back then he would've kidnapped Hyungdo and have him locked up so he could never leave.

Honestly lol same but I would imagine that scenario as Hyungdo messing with him so that he could see his reaction and then Lee Gyung kidnapping and well we know the story from there. I just don’t want it to be truly forced where Hyungdo hates it cause I’ve read a lot of manga like that and it just gets me so sad for both the seme and uke since they’re torturing themselves.
Anyone know of a novel for this?? (⌒▽⌒)