This story really thought a lesson to me. Don't judge someone because of their occupation, don't SUDDENLY judge someone because of what they do, because YOU DON'T KNOW how they work their ass off just to earn and continue living, YOU DON'T KNOW their reason why are they doing it, and YOU DON'T KNOW how it is also hard for them to do that and how they feel. So don't ever judge someone without knowing their reason or purposes.

"When you leave the panels and when you don't see them, they all still have their own life. So don't be sad when you cannot see the story." -DJun. This sentences made me cry. I want to thank all of the people who create this manhua, you guys are one of the best! And thank you author for crearing such a memorable story and couples. You made my 2020 colorful huhu. I won't forget this, I love you guys!!
I think what we are reading are the flashbacks before what happened on the first part on chapter one which will be the present after the whole story on the past will be told. So does it mean that, something bad happened that leads Moonhyuk as a suspect ? This is very heavy grr ●_●