Jinki is absolutely right, Heonjae needs to seek help at a hospital, because who in their right mind would want to do that sht to anyone? I guess it all makes sense now on why Heonjae keeps licking Myeongil’s blood, it’s because he, himself, wants to inflict injuries on Myeongil for his own sick reason.

Bruhhhh, i understand getting back together after like the first or maybe even second breakup, due to miscommunication or smthng and then reconciling, but like 7??? And there’s still no proper reason of breaking up?? If I were the bot, I would have questioned the seme on the second breakup, and I ain’t getting back together with him until he properly explains his reasons. Y’all ain't included in the wonders of the world, so why make it 7?

Tbh, misunderstandings are my pet peeve when I’m reading a BL, but like for this one I AM IN LOVE WITH ALL THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS, it gets chaotic and I love that Like imo, the brand of this manga is centered on it’s misunderstandings and the confusion whenever the “truth” is revealed. All the misunderstandings is what makes it funny imo.

I’m gonna start a riot, if mc doesn’t end up with Dochan or if it doesn’t end in a 3p relationship. I really like Dochan, he’s acting like a cute puppy and so this man must be protected at all costs. I’m not a fan Joohyuk tbh, but if he ever gets “chosen”, I hope it also includes Dochan , so like I’m wishing for Dochan endgame or 3P endgame. Or just any ending with Dochan happy.

The art style isn’t really my type, but it’s tolerable, and I really like how the uke is just nonchalant about most things, his character is pretty refreshing imo, since most bl’s that I’ve read have ukes that are usually worked up and over enthusiastic or just plain crybabies. Anyways, the best thing about this manhwa as of now, is the memes, the memes are the ones keeping me hooked into reading this.

Okay, I get it a lot of y’all are talking about the boobs on the cover and I get that this is mostly a pornhwa, but I have a few questions, why does one of the top comments say that it has incest? And like I just skipped to Chapter 111, who was the father of those kids? And like why are they still all together at the end like nothing happened? (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
I don’t know if these are Agio stans, Vercike haters or maybe both, but like, Vercike IS part of the story. It ain’t just about Cain and Agio/Ken and Agia, if y’all want the story to progress, he should be included in the story as well, like what were y’all expecting? A story usually has point of views, from different main characters, and of course, Vercike is one of them, I mean, he’s practically what started this story, with him biting Ken and all. Y’all want Agia, but bruh, he’s in like more than 90% of the chapters here, reread them. Y’all don’t need to keep on mentioning him because he will appear eventually. If y’all wanted a shorter story, then freaking read one. It doesn’t stray away from the main story, cause it literally is the prequel to the story. Imo, i like backstories, since I’ve read stories wherein there are 3 main characters, and yet it focuses only on the main couple, and imma tell y’all it lacked something, and it was this, a freaking back story. I want to understand another character’s point of view, even if it takes a couple of chapters, because I’m interested in this manhwa, story-wise and not character-wise like some of yall obviously are. Anyway, wisen up 8 incels. Just because I’m petty, I’m gonna edit this comment every time another incel dislikes it <3