The word “whistle” being in red and turning into a streak of blood and the black foreground(?)/framing(?) idk actually made me really anxious and then he had that stupid @ss thought, like brooooo, no one likes nosy people. If he’s getting stabbed(either by someone’s dick or by a knife), then he deserves it, cause he a stupid mofo.

I don’t know if I have the patience of steel, but I think the pacing of the story is alright (probably cause I’ve read manhuas slower paced than this lmao). In fact, I’m happy that there would be more chapters showing their slow progress(hopefully it won’t have a rushed ending tho), cause tbh they’re my happy pill. I get happy when I read their interactions in game, through chat and irl, they’re fun lol if y’all wanna drop this cause they’re not fcking every 10 chapters, then find another manhwa, there’s a lot of them lol and y’all don’t need to announce your departure either, y’all ain’t as significant as airplanes.

Currently at chapter 2 and I just wanna say this, before I proceed. I fckin bawled my eyes out when the fish were being tortured. Fck, that made me really angry, and made me want to punch those mthrfckrs. I hope they all get killed by ml lmao, or at least tortured so horribly that they’d want to die anyway lmao
Edit: after reading chapter 8, yes, I’m satisfied lol now let’s move on to more horrible people xD

I wanted to comment that this was one of the best manga that I’ve read, since the comedy is top tier and it also made me grin from ear to ear whenever they interacted, because they’re just so cute together. Anyway, the ending was too abrupt, so that’s what’s preventing me from saying that it’s the best since I would have loved to see them as a couple, with Shiraha actually saying his confession and them being lovey dovey, I hope we get extras, I JUST WANT MORE CHAPTERS OF THEM.
Edit: So weird I know I wrote something longer with a spoiler lol but since i forgot what i actually said I’m just gonna change it lol

I think I found the more extras(?) of them, it’s not here on mgg tho and it’s not translated or at least I couldn’t find an English translation Anyway, it’s called Chikubi no Koto Chotto Naigashiro ni Shiteta Natte by Pumi! (If you search it on google it shows up, I’m not completely sure if it’s them but the snaggle tooth of the uke and the uniforms, makes me think it’s them, I didn’t use google translate on it yet, so I’m not completely sure if it’s them so cmiiw)

Since it’s my birthday today, I wish that Myeongil gets cured of his gambling addiction, goes back to school or maybe even get a decent paying job, and that he gets away from Jingi and Heonjae(even though I’m lowkey rooting for a relationship where they just kinda share Myeongil but respect him at the same time and if that doesn’t happen, i’m lowkey rooting for Jingi and Myeongil lol)

I haven’t read this in a while, specifically after reading season 1 in 2023, and so I haven’t really been updated with this, and I just want to ask whether, the second couple has a lot of chapters dedicated to them? Because, tbh, I’m not really interested in them that much. Like I’m more interested with Dojae and Euntak, than with Hyobin and the other dude
Yeowoon was half asleep y’all. Though he does know that the volume of the movie they were watching was lowered and knows that “something” touched his lips.