if you guys are as impatient as I am, heres the link to the novel translation ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I have my fair share in reading isekai works like this (with a male lead in focus) and Adjest is like a breath of fresh air. She's cool, calculative, loyal, smart. She knows what she's doing and a BAMF at work. I can name other women like her but they come from works with a female leads.
when men are in the spotlight, the women tend to be underdeveloped and only present for their interests, most of which are romantic. So seeing Adjest learn and grow physically and emotionally (especially compared to her time as an adult in the shadow world) is so refreshing.
and looking at Desir's perspective, wouldn't seeing his aloof teammate becoming more expressive than before be heartwarming? He's must've known Adjest for years but only now has he got the chance to see her become a new person?
TL;DR, don't ever think Adjest is a character made for romance. she's her own person. Don't forget, Desir and Adjest has history with each other. just because she doesn't remember, that does not take away Desir's feelings towards their bond as teammates.

I love the interactions between the MC and the princess, they're so cute uwu
like at least there's only one love interest and she has depth !!! and character !!! she has a goal and it's not related to bring with the MC !! this kind of romantic subplot is so hard to find in action works like this ;u;

it would be gREat if Tia just decides to not have a man and just be happy with her family ??? like cOme oN ??? these guys don't cUT IT but that's probably not gonna happen :(

Well while that may ideal it can't really happen since politics.
Tia is the heir to her house and if she doesn't produce an heir then her bloodline will no longer exist as well as her house.
So she does have to marry at some point and usually girls were married around 16-20 since they would still be considered young and able to give birth, peak of fertility.
Ideally a women in her situation, as the heir of her house would marry a second son or third son of a nobel house. Since they would give up their name and take up hers.
So red boy and green boy can marry her since they aren't the heirs to their household.
But since Tia has a right to the throne it causes complications.
Since if someone marries Tia would that union be taken as that person and their house siding with her to take the throne?
Whoever becomes her "friends" could
be using her to be the puppet to their plans on taking the throne.
Which anyone greedy enough could ask for her hand in marriage or those loyal to the crown being scared to ask for her hand.
Making her marriage options limited.
Reason why Blue boy said she should be queen.
Since she becomes part of the royal family but one with no real power. Thus making her threat neutral.
If she was Empress it could cause factions to be divided and made, one supporting Blue boy as Emperor or one supporting Tia as the true "Emperor" of the kingdom.
So her being queen is the best course of action to keep not only peace but keep her safe as well.
And any kids they had would either be the next heir to the kingdom or heir to her house to keep it going.
It would make more sense if Tia declared forfeiting her right to the throne as a ceremony public to the nobles and public.
With that church being a witness and having her sign a magic binding contract that she gives up her right and of any decsentdents she has unless for certain expections.
That if the royal family ever dies out her kin would be next in line ECT.
She marries who she wants and has a contract written up that her child would be engaged to the Blue Boys kid.
Making it so they are one family neutralizing her threat to the kingdom.
Honestly I hope she ends up with Green boy since he has a dark edge to him that could benefit Tia.
He loves her and will do anything to have her happy and safe which means using his smart and political power to due so.
Getting rid of threats quick and efficiently.
She would be the sword to physical threats outside and he her shield to threats inside the kingdom
Well that's what I think sorry this was so long I hope u have a great day!
( ̄∇ ̄")
could anyone tell me which chapter of the novel correlates to the most recent chapter 46?
i think its chap 62
oohhh!!!! thank you!!