Y'all, how do you admire her?? Like, this woman sits there shaming others for being perverted, but doesn't think how weird her own fantasies and reactions are? LIKE-???? BRUH, not everybody is into vanilla sex. NOTHING is wrong with being a masochist. She idolizes a dude, doesn't think about the fact that he might be different from what he is required to show in order to continue his line of work, and then sits there acting like her life is ending. He had no reason to go out and tell the world that he worked as a host/prostitute. Like she's the one who sat there putting a dildo on a body pillow of someone she didn't know(which is messed up on so many levels). Don't even get me started on Marina. This manhwa is fine if you feel horny or something, but most of the characters are extremely revolting.
I have learned 26 minutes into finding out I caught covid that corona is an absolute bitch.I just found out about 26 minutes ago that I caught corona, and that I MAY have given it to my brother. I'm trying to make myself feel better by making jokes but everyone in my family just pissed at me for ' making a joke out of a serious matter'. Humor is my coping mechanism and I have a really hard time not spilling everything that happened to me, so this distancing thing is really hard. I can't really call any of my friends and say anything since they're all so busy. Even if they were able to reply they might accidentally tell their parents and then the community will treat my family like outcasts since no one wants to be around even a healed covid patient. I'm lonely as fuck and this mask is killing me but “People cannot win against their loneliness because loneliness is this world's worst kind of pain.”. I hope I can get some replies since it always makes me happy to receive replies on my comments. Even insults would be welcome, I just want some company. ┗( T﹏T )┛ Thank you for reading if you made it this far, may god bless you and I hope you manage to stay safe!
It's okay my fa!Ily got it except for me and my sister. We got it from my dad's work and we
Iive in the same!e house. Just try to keep distance from other people . even though it is not slot is may work. Just !and sure no family me!her goes super close to you. I advise you to eat in a separate room cuz its what.my family did although this is Mau not work due to your circumstances, just stay away from people cuz my little brother got sick cuz he always wanted to go near them.
Everyone has a different coping mechanism and I think making jokes is a pretty good coping mechanism at times. Although I think that watching a good sad anime and then a comedy might help. Sometimes you need a good cry and then a laugh to help you. I do hope that you get better tho fighting!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
I just found out about 6 minutes ago that I caught corona, and that I MAY have given it to my brother. I'm trying to make myself feel better by making jokes but everyone in my family just pissed at me for ' making a joke out of a serious matter'. Humor is my coping mechanism and I have a really hard time not spilling everything that happened to me, so this distancing thing is really hard. I can't really call any of my friends and say anything since they're all so busy. Even if they were able to reply they might accidentally tell their parents and then the community will treat my family like outcasts since no one wants to be around even a healed covid patient. I'm lonely as fuck and this mask is killing me but “People cannot win against their loneliness because loneliness is this world's worst kind of pain.”. I hope I can get some replies since it always makes me happy to receive replies on my comments. Even insults would be welcome, I just want some company. ┗( T﹏T )┛ Thank you for reading if you made it this far, may god bless you and I hope you manage to stay safe!
the fact that he was willing to give up an arm to keep her safe, is so sweet of him ahhhhhh!!. Oh, and the fact that she used alchemy to help him despite the risk of getting caught and being in trouble for using it against imperial family members is so nice. THEY"RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!