I seriously wanted a mini flash forward (sneakpeek) of them as adults shaking hands in that moment, like they did for other scenes. Bc this is so freaking cute and I need to see them as friends in the future as adults and rulers
I like Richard Stop hating y'all, his bratty, spoiled, arrogant attitude is a major part of his charm bc then when he truly falls utterly in love with the MC and he realizes he has to let go of her bc she loves someone else, will his high horse come crashing down to be smeared with humility like us mortals. Just imagine it, he's so self assured in himself until he can't get the one thing he wishes to have, his pride will be crushed to smithereens where he'll want to crawl to the mud and beg for her affections, tears streaming down his beautiful face, and anguished heart broken pleas.
The way Taehyuk turned yandere the second Hyo un had a millisecond of his attention somewhere else. They're so obsessed with each other and I love that
Nahhh that's crazyy. He really was fucked to brainrot I feel bad for his friends lowkey
Omg he's so cute, Ho is so cute, the baby is so cute, they're such a cute family I m so envious, I wanna love n be loved like that (/TДT)/
He was crazy but I think he's been repenting all this time, unlike the eunuch who never bothered to understand why he was being punished. But then again its up to the one who was hurt to decide if he will forgive him. I am biased tho bc now they're brothers and I think he honestly tried to be a good big brother
The correct ending would be him locked up in jail, or him trapped in that death loop getting killed. Like yeah Yuma is a bitch but this is not it hun.....Yuma should have lost her wealth or smthing instead
Omgggg let's gooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Mephisto is so sexy, I'm so glad he gets a bigger role but yk who I miss? Beem senpai!!! I wanna see more of their toothy crazed smile.
This story is so fast paced nut somehow it works out lol‽
These shivers running down my back, and the trembling of my hand, is why I can't stop reading. It's like an addiction that I would gleefully enthrall myself in, throwing caution to the the wind and abandon all earthly desire if only to get a glimpse of that world! The storyline and characters move my very being, I hear them echo in my ears and I yearn for them, why why why why can't I be with you!? I am so in love, intoxicated with this world, I loathe to be yanked back into reality away from it all.
Yk I'd rather wait and let the author rest so that they can give us the best of the story they can than for them to rush and give us crap
But I'm still so sad to wait, but I'll do it, for however long I need to
Do police not exist in this universe like wtf??? This psycho already threatened someone with a knife in front of a whole restaurant of witnesses and now proof he's handcuffed and hunted down his wife!!!!! Hello??? Call the police??? Get his ugly bitch ass to jail ASAP
I'm an Aiyen hater, she's so annoying. I hate her design, I hate her personality, I hate the way she talks, I hate allll of her. For once, I'm rooting harem simply to keep that bitch off the spotlight. Tbh all the women are pretty mid who's lives seem to center around the MC the moment they meet him, but Aiyen is specifically the worst of them.