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Second, Law definitely loves Jesse, but in an emotionally tragic sort of way (needs to have control over the object of affection). This makes sense due to his upbringing; his mother controlled him for the longest time, and then he finally stood up for himself and said "No" when she wanted him to separate from Jesse. He took control, but now he wants to control Jesse. It's too bad he couldn't slough off that miserable aspect of his upbringing, but then I guess we wouldn't be where we are now if not for that.
Third, I like that Jesse's internal monologue seemed to suggest he was upset at himself for tricking Law with that pre-recorded video. That was actually really cute.
I've been starting to feel more sympathy towards him over the last few chapters. One of the reasons being I really feel he gave Law a lot more free reign as their relationship grew than I think even Law realized (realized as in applying that as something that was due to Jesse's feelings for him, not because he followed the book). He wasn't demanded to follow the rule book anymore. A few chapters back, Jesse called him at...midnight...I think it was. He knew Law was awake, and when Law finally showed up at 3AM, he didn't get angry at him for not calling him back or taking soo long to show up. Instead, he let him talk and heard him out.
I started reading this not knowing who's side I should be on (even though I wished I didn't have to take sides). Then the narrative steered me to Law's side, but now I'm being nudged to Jesse's side. This story is maddening, but it's a damn entertaining one!
2017-02-05 06:04 marked
2017-01-03 00:13 marked
2017-01-02 13:16 marked
I didn't come here to ship the characters, I just wanna read for the psycho...