okay so i know we’re all a little shookt about the latest update but please read the main manga first (if you haven’t) before even getting angry at shima. this is a perfect example of seeing two sides of the story.
from the pov of shimada, he didn’t know about daichi’s ordeal with loving the manager. he doesn’t know how daichi is trying his best to move on from it, or that what daichi has is a more complex love and not just a crush. he also doesn’t know about the personal circumstances of the manager, and how it will be impossible to reciprocate daichi’s love. another thing to point out is that makoto gave this information to shimada as if it was a light topic, and that bringing it up is no biggie. also he was dead drunk, let’s not act as if we didn’t all make stupid mistakes when we were drunk.
then we see daichi’s pov here which shows us that his love for the manager is actually something that burdens him. the only people so far who know about it are tamotsu and the more experienced member in the club. also, daichi doesn’t know that takeru and shima were in a blurry stage in their relationship, which was the reason why shima can’t answer properly. daichi taking this as a sign that the relationship may not be serious, is also not daichi’s fault.
REMEMBER! shimada and daichi are not close! so there is no way for shimada to know that daichi doesn’t want to seriously steal takeru, or for daichi to know that shimada was feeling burdened to prove his feelings towards takeru. if you read the main manga, then you will know that shimada is a yes man, and so he feels intimidated by daichi’s personality.
so no, daichi wasn’t outed because shima wanted to embarrass him, it’s just that shima, not being close with daichi, resorted to the only info he has of him to make daichi stop.
none of them are in the wrong. shima didn’t intentionally want to embarrass daichi.
who knew i needed gay cats in my life? only the author knew, bless sensei.