When I saw the plane i was like shit the mom of the baby. Then i saw the dad and i was like shit his dad
The cow costume is everything !!!!! My eyes are healed
Does anyone know if the author is feeling better and we will be getting more chapters soon?
Caught between hating the use of a woman to further push the male leads together and be the villain in a bl and loving the representation of male sa and harassment and showing stuff that would usually be used for women in media
I like how loid was suspicious of yor because of mind reading lol
AAAAHHHHH im dying from how cute they are! My eyes have been truly blessed
Why was she shocked she almost fell? She literally went to the spot of the accident, where the guy who caused all the accidents was and provoked him.
You literally didn’t have to go up there. You don’t have to go up there!
I wonder when they all will find out about Anyas mind reading especially since its now being brought up with the dad
They forgot about the baby and almost crushed her lmao
I can’t tell if he feels bad for byul because he remembers being yelled at or if its guilt for abandoning him as a baby
There better be some side stories i need more to feel satisfied
Did I giggle and kick my feet at our kid absolutely
Who was the target on the phone? The girl with the glasses?
I wish there was just a little more development between them. I feel like they were on a good path to getting together and then the author used the kidnapping as an accelerant. Just please give them a little more emotional development and ill be super happy!
How many more chapters of flash backs must I deal with