Chunta want to do ( All 1 )

read 1000 manga or more

Chunta's experience ( All 0 )

Chunta's answer ( All 12 )

about question
Go outside   reply
09 02,2025
08 02,2025
I’m going to upload a photo of myself bc y’all are pussies   2 reply
08 02,2025
about question
I don't enjoy reading comments under manga anymore because you can tell who is a minor and who isn't.   3 reply
02 02,2025
about question
Don’t tell them. You can take summer/winter classes to catch up. Just don’t fail anymore and you can get back on track I failed a few my freshman year on college and didn’t tell anyone lmao   reply
12 08,2024
about question
This is nothing. Mangago drama in 2018 was peak. Anons used to be so funny.   1 reply
31 07,2024

Chunta's question ( All 2 )

I decided to make a full list of all Harada's Gintama djs because there was so many, I didn't know if i've read them all or if there's any without English translations.

Here's a link to the list -

I'm hoping someone who is interested in her works can see this and pick up a dj. There's about 8 that have no translations (including 3 that don't have any raws scanned). I'm also trying to buy the djs that have no scanned raws to eventually upload to MRM.
06 07,2024
I’ve been on tumblr more recently to keep up with BL scan groups but I want to follow more yaoi accounts. Care to put your user name down below :)
22 04,2018