The hate hyesung gets is too one sided, ik dojin was sweet and all that but he wasn't flawless that's why dojin tries to make up with all his past wrongdoings to hyesung, don't act like he's a saint coz he's hot(well he really is tho). So stop trying to say "hyesung is so annoying" "hyesung treats dojin badly" "hyesung is not a good mother" Guys, he tries okay???? But in his situation it's not that easy to suddenly trust someone who knocked u up and kept circling around his words. THEY LACK COMMUNICATION, blame it all on their miscommunication and not on hyesung okay? And to some people who still think that hyesung did not have any charac development, then u must not be reading it right. Honestly, hyesung is so precious and he's broken in so many ways and he started to believe slowly thanks to dojin and byul. Tht's why i'll love this story alwayssss!!! And would not allow any hyesung slander hereeeee hmpf! Lol sorry for the rant THIS IS JUST TOO GOOD!!!!
Tho the ending was somehow open ended because hyesung's parents suddenly showed up. But i love the main couple so sooo much!!! I also love the other two couple but dojin and hyesung numba waaan!! ヾ(☆▽☆)
2021-11-22 02:58 marked
I don't even know where to begin